Thursday, September 23, 2021

My knee Injury Journey


This month of September has been a challenging for me, since my left knee got some issues in terms of some damage  tissues and ligaments due to my weak muscle and bad slipped recently..I  thought it was just a mere pain that I could handle but little by little it lead to inflammation that my mobilization and work got affected.

Due to some rare level of discomfort and pain every morning I decided to consult a doctor , to check my left knee and see what medical procedure and precautions they will advise for me to walk again properly.I went to St. Alexus Rehabilitation and Orthopedic Center located in along Mc. Arthur Highway, Matina Davao City.

The first procedure that was advised to me is to have an X-ray of my left knee. After that I proceed to the Orthopedic  Department and together of an X-ray report.The Doctor said that diagnosis Fracture of Lateral Condyl slightly displaced. I was advised to have hinged braces to stabilized my knee and scotches to help my knee carry my body and walk easily.He advised me to take Docel Tablet to lessen pain.The Doctor told me that it was need an operation if I don't want to undergo operation I need to indulge myself for the Physical Therapy.I was a little bit shocked and puzzled at the same time.

Summary of Expenses ( Alexian Orthropedic Center)

X-ray left knee - Php 210.00

Doc. Consultation  Php 600.00

Docel Pain Killer Php 557.50  

Scrotches  Php795.00

Others meals & fare est. Php 300  

 Total 2,462.5   

Note I did not acquire the Hinged Braces  which cost  Php 5000,00 and Physical Therapy per session cost is Php 500.00/ session.

After 5 days the pain is still pounding my knee. Then I was advised to get a second opinion to other Doctor. I went to Davao Doc Hospital for scheduled appointment and the Doctor diagnosis  Pes Ansenmus Bursites  which is the inflamation of the bursa. Then my knee got injected by steriod which is Depo Medrol. I pain slowly subside and it made me relived though I still have the feeling of stiffness to my knee and instability .  I was instructed by the Dr. to undergo MRI & lab Test specifically FBS, Creatinine and Uric Acid for further diagnosis. 

Here are some glimps to my MR.

The MRI speaks for itself , Partial Tear of Anterior Cruciate Ligament /ACL,Partial Tear  Vastus Medialis ,Medial Patellar retinacular strain.Horizontal tear of posterior horns of medial and lateral menisci.Lateral Colateral  Ligaments Strain, Knee Joint infusion  & Subcutaneous Edema.

After the MRI & Lab Test result was given I went to Dr. Pile again for follow up consultation. He refer me to Dra. Carpio, a  Physiatrist for the Physical Therapy. I was advised to have 2 weeks of physical Therapy trice a week by the procedure of High intensity Laser.

 Summary of Expenses ( Davao Doc Hospital)

MRI   Left Knee only  Php 12, 743.00

Chest X-ray Php 521.00

FBS  -Php 257.00

Creatinine Php 354.00

Uric Acid Php 319.00

Steriod Injection (Depo Medrol) Procedure  with Philhealth 

Php 5,700  (Doc Fee 4,000, 1,600 Ultrasound, 100 admin fee)

Physical Therapy Procedure (Doc Fee  700 if No Health Card)

High Intensity Laser Package 2 weeks Php 5,484 

Glocusamin  Php 1,310 14 sachet good for 2 weeks

Total 27,388

others Taxi fare & meals est.

Currently I am under Physical Therapy A and on going pa ang pag heal. I'm praying hindi mauwi sa operation. 

Friday, March 12, 2021

EGOISM : Senses of Self


Every individual has its own self importance and it manifest thru our actions towards a certain situation or scenarios. Living  oneself requires a collection of decisions, judgement, and how we act without relying on external authority.

When we tend to dig deeper , look at into someone's motivation and desires at times if reflects their inner intentions. Motivations fuels the desire to achieve more, to take an effort and persevere .Our life reflects our choices and decisions which motivates our actions. Having messy thoughts immerse us into something disastrous actions that would lead to hurt others even if you have good intention.

As we face challenges and unpredictable bumps along the way we tend to lose balance and have difficulty to get back on tract.Too much self importance sometimes hinder growth , it lead to unending question of WHY.We as a human have a set of goals, believes and experiences that mold us to be a person we are right now.Environment plays big factor how your pieces form and synchronize to your own principles and beliefs. 

We simply adhere into our own understanding without considering others factors along the way.Too much self importance can lead to a rotten tomatoes.Some People doesn't aware that they have TOXIC EGO, it simply characterized by an arrogant aura and selfish impulses.To be able to have a clear headed mindset with humble soul , you may see the following.

1. ADOPT A BEGINNER's MINDSET -Remind yourself how much you don't know , it is " Impossible to learn that which one already knows" . Accepting that we didn't know anything and life offers a vast of things that we are not capable of figuring out.Put yourself in rooms where you're the least knowledgeable person. Observe and learn.

2.FOCUS ON THE EFFORT NOT THE OUTCOME-Exerting effort to do a certain things may satisfy our self it could give the sense of success and peace of mind. Doing your best is what matters, we must highlight the fact EFFORT is the key.External reward are just an icing on the cake.

3.CHOOSE PURPOSE OVER PASSION- Passion doesn't consistently pave your way while people with purpose think of it as passion combined with reason are more dedicated and have more control over their direction.

4.STOP TALKING & FACE YOUR WORK- We as an individuals fond on talking on social media getting validation and fake internet frontage and tend to avoid some uncertain and difficult work. 

5.HUMILITY IS THE ANTIDOTE OF PRIDE-Remind yourself to stay on the ground no matter how big accomplishment you have on your table.

6.FOCUS ON THE PRESENT MOMENT NOT THE STORY- Learn to value the present , stop on telling stories of your success. Stay low key.

7.MANAGE YOURSELF ,AND OTHERS- Being smart is not enough you should learn to manage small compartments of your life.

8.LEARN WHAT MATTERS TO YOU & LEARN TO SAY NO.-Know your priorities and have a tranquility to know what you are after.

9.FORGET CREDITS & RECOGNITION- When we are at the beginning part of our pursuits we need to make an effort to trade short term gratification for a longer payoff.Learn to some successful individuals absorb as much as you can. 

10. CONNECT WITH NATURE-It is where you realized how small you are in connection with everything else.

11.WHEN YOU FIND YOUR SELF IN A HOLE -STOP DIGGING- Our Ego screams and rattles when it is wounded.Don't make things worse. Don't dig yourself further. Make a plan.

12.CHOOSE LOVE OVER HATRED. Hate is like eroding acid that eats away the center of you life, choose love .

Hope you've got something :)