Friday, March 12, 2021

EGOISM : Senses of Self


Every individual has its own self importance and it manifest thru our actions towards a certain situation or scenarios. Living  oneself requires a collection of decisions, judgement, and how we act without relying on external authority.

When we tend to dig deeper , look at into someone's motivation and desires at times if reflects their inner intentions. Motivations fuels the desire to achieve more, to take an effort and persevere .Our life reflects our choices and decisions which motivates our actions. Having messy thoughts immerse us into something disastrous actions that would lead to hurt others even if you have good intention.

As we face challenges and unpredictable bumps along the way we tend to lose balance and have difficulty to get back on tract.Too much self importance sometimes hinder growth , it lead to unending question of WHY.We as a human have a set of goals, believes and experiences that mold us to be a person we are right now.Environment plays big factor how your pieces form and synchronize to your own principles and beliefs. 

We simply adhere into our own understanding without considering others factors along the way.Too much self importance can lead to a rotten tomatoes.Some People doesn't aware that they have TOXIC EGO, it simply characterized by an arrogant aura and selfish impulses.To be able to have a clear headed mindset with humble soul , you may see the following.

1. ADOPT A BEGINNER's MINDSET -Remind yourself how much you don't know , it is " Impossible to learn that which one already knows" . Accepting that we didn't know anything and life offers a vast of things that we are not capable of figuring out.Put yourself in rooms where you're the least knowledgeable person. Observe and learn.

2.FOCUS ON THE EFFORT NOT THE OUTCOME-Exerting effort to do a certain things may satisfy our self it could give the sense of success and peace of mind. Doing your best is what matters, we must highlight the fact EFFORT is the key.External reward are just an icing on the cake.

3.CHOOSE PURPOSE OVER PASSION- Passion doesn't consistently pave your way while people with purpose think of it as passion combined with reason are more dedicated and have more control over their direction.

4.STOP TALKING & FACE YOUR WORK- We as an individuals fond on talking on social media getting validation and fake internet frontage and tend to avoid some uncertain and difficult work. 

5.HUMILITY IS THE ANTIDOTE OF PRIDE-Remind yourself to stay on the ground no matter how big accomplishment you have on your table.

6.FOCUS ON THE PRESENT MOMENT NOT THE STORY- Learn to value the present , stop on telling stories of your success. Stay low key.

7.MANAGE YOURSELF ,AND OTHERS- Being smart is not enough you should learn to manage small compartments of your life.

8.LEARN WHAT MATTERS TO YOU & LEARN TO SAY NO.-Know your priorities and have a tranquility to know what you are after.

9.FORGET CREDITS & RECOGNITION- When we are at the beginning part of our pursuits we need to make an effort to trade short term gratification for a longer payoff.Learn to some successful individuals absorb as much as you can. 

10. CONNECT WITH NATURE-It is where you realized how small you are in connection with everything else.

11.WHEN YOU FIND YOUR SELF IN A HOLE -STOP DIGGING- Our Ego screams and rattles when it is wounded.Don't make things worse. Don't dig yourself further. Make a plan.

12.CHOOSE LOVE OVER HATRED. Hate is like eroding acid that eats away the center of you life, choose love .

Hope you've got something :) 

Saturday, January 30, 2021

My 3 am thoughts


During these nights of anxiety, I keep praying and listening to my inner voice and makes me feel I'm secure.  Processing things is my way of thinking that life is how the way it is and twisting things may affect your inner peace if you allow it. Sometimes we come across our quiet fight, wherein in the dim light corner of our sanctuary, we found our own light. 

I realized that I carry my life at my own pace, enjoying the moment and filling the gaps in my own hand doesn't mean I  need to lower my values and respect myself. I understand that we may encounter things beyond our control and set of mindsets, and thinking such into a deeper analogy is a pointless thing caused as an individual our decisions may vary based on logic or emotions. 

I'm allowing myself to breathe, to recover some pieces of myself, and feel everything at the same time. I'm trying not to set unrealistic standards, learning that change is rarely a single moment when everything suddenly shifts,  but rather a period in which we learn, adjust, and improve. 

I deeply respect those struggling with their own hurricane but manage to take a sip of coffee with poise and calm. They tend not to tell anyone, and be at peace, and have some energy to spare to take care of themselves while inspiring others. 

I realized that when God is in your heart and soul, no huge mountains can block your way to attain your goals and heart desires. Yeah, it may not be a smooth path to take but you will be amazing one day cause God putting things in his way to allow you to become YOU with his grace. To be willing to unleash your potential by following his journey and simply live your life here on earth with contentment not because you settle for less but keeping your eyes on FOCUS on the things that he wants you to be.

Everything here on earth is temporary, and dwelling on superficial things will fade its luster that is why keep ongoing. Let your shine be visible even to those far places and beyond.