Saturday, January 30, 2021

My 3 am thoughts


During these nights of anxiety, I keep praying and listening to my inner voice and makes me feel I'm secure.  Processing things is my way of thinking that life is how the way it is and twisting things may affect your inner peace if you allow it. Sometimes we come across our quiet fight, wherein in the dim light corner of our sanctuary, we found our own light. 

I realized that I carry my life at my own pace, enjoying the moment and filling the gaps in my own hand doesn't mean I  need to lower my values and respect myself. I understand that we may encounter things beyond our control and set of mindsets, and thinking such into a deeper analogy is a pointless thing caused as an individual our decisions may vary based on logic or emotions. 

I'm allowing myself to breathe, to recover some pieces of myself, and feel everything at the same time. I'm trying not to set unrealistic standards, learning that change is rarely a single moment when everything suddenly shifts,  but rather a period in which we learn, adjust, and improve. 

I deeply respect those struggling with their own hurricane but manage to take a sip of coffee with poise and calm. They tend not to tell anyone, and be at peace, and have some energy to spare to take care of themselves while inspiring others. 

I realized that when God is in your heart and soul, no huge mountains can block your way to attain your goals and heart desires. Yeah, it may not be a smooth path to take but you will be amazing one day cause God putting things in his way to allow you to become YOU with his grace. To be willing to unleash your potential by following his journey and simply live your life here on earth with contentment not because you settle for less but keeping your eyes on FOCUS on the things that he wants you to be.

Everything here on earth is temporary, and dwelling on superficial things will fade its luster that is why keep ongoing. Let your shine be visible even to those far places and beyond. 

Friday, January 15, 2021

GRATITUDE SPOT :January 2021


I just want to thank you Lord for the reminder and assurance of your love. Thank you for allowing me to feel your presence again.I couldn't imagine my life with out you. Forgive me for being too busy, for being occupied to the of world pleasures and superficial things. Forgive me when I forgot to pray , for the times I felt at the bottom.

I'm grateful for the strength, for all the unexpected blessings,Thank you Lord for your patience with me, for not leaving me.I know I'm a sinner , a lot of things I need to work out , things that I may not aware of. Lord thank you for the wisdom and for your protection.

Lord thank you for the peace of mind , for the comfort and feel at ease .Thank you for the opportunity to help, and be a blessing to others , especially for my family. Lord I currently on the process of healing and I enjoying the process.